This Kinfolk is particularly sentimental for me. For a few reasons. One, because the piece I wrote is particularly sentimental. After being away from it for a few months now, re-reading it made me cry– maybe not so surprisingly. It’s a joy to be able to write about my family, and the great parenting of my mom and dad which fostered this unique dynamic between my sisters and me. There are powerful stories within this little family that I believe should be shared.

Secondly, Rosa Park wrote a piece on The Baker Brothers from Nailsworth / Chipping Sodbury, England. We met all of these fine folks (Rosa, and the baking brothers) during our travels, and I embarrasingly fell in love with them all immediately. I am such a lush- yes. But reading this bit on them was special, and definitely made me pine for England and our sweet sweet time there. Thirdly, and in the same vein, my article is accompanied by photos taken by Parker Fitzgerald. This is the first time I’ve known the photographer whose photos bring my words to life. And boy, do Chris and I know Parker. He probably never wants to see us again after being each other’s only friends for a few weeks abroad. Next year it will be even better when the book comes out– to see this partnership happen in a big way, in a book way.

Zolpidem Generic Purchase Fourthly, the content is just so darn good. A new Danish-transplant friend Austin Sailsbury wrote a warming piece of fiction about a surprising Christmas joy. Julie Pointer, who I’ve been working with the past few months, wrote an honest and vulnerable piece on the intentionality of making community happen. Katie Searle-Williams offered recipes for simmer pots for aromatic Christmas cheer around your home. And there are even firewood stacking diagrams. I swoon.

Buying Ambien Online Reviews I’m obviously not going to make any of you buy it, but I promise you won’t regret it if you do. It’s Christmas spirit bound in a book.
  • Jane Rhodes

    hello. so nice to meet you – or find still house. I discovered your writing in this exact issue of kinfolk that you blogged about here. this evening, i used your article in addition to pictures from our latest trip to cabo mexico. i read your article while we were there, and felt an immense connection to the words. I have linked my post to kinfolk, and you. i hope this is ok, if for any reason you don’t want your words on my site, i will take them down. you are so talented.

    god bless. xo.
    January 2nd, 2013 19:06

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