My mind has been reeling with stories to tell. But somewhere between the work and the travel and the celebrations and all the things, I can”t seem to get them on paper.

Not to worry, I’m leaving. Resetting. Quieting and simultaneously awakening. And I plan to capture these stories, even if by their hem, that keep tugging at my mind. And I plan to read. So much reading.

Zolpidem Mail Order We leave Friday for the Great Guana Cay, in the Abacos, an idyllic island oasis in the Bahamas. Where there are (approx.) two bars on the island, absolutely no gaudy tourist destinations, and an overall lack of other people in general. We’re going and we’re going alongside our closest friends.

Yes, yes, these are the times I need now, and the memories I need for the future. See you on the other side! abaco