I wish I could tell you how many blog posts, over the years, that I’ve started and never finished. Not because I lost motivation, not because I got lazy, but because it became– for lack of a better term– not worth it. Or, not what I want to put out into cyberspace or on a page somewhere.

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https://exitoffroad.com/online-ambien-overnight But I guess my purpose has never been to teach you anything, really. It’s been to be here, and ask the questions that don’t yet have answers. To be here and to reflect this life, and maybe your life, and these joys, these inspirations, these dark places and the good ones, in the hope that I’m not alone and that you’re not alone.


Buying Zolpidem In Mexico Bear with me here, but in CS Lewis’s ever-after, there is sinking and there is standing firm. In the world we live in now, the qualities which are most real aren’t yet solid to us– grace, compassion, truth, loyalty, wisdom, relationships. We understand these concepts but they are ethereal, irresolute, not physical. Our hope is that these are the lasting things though, the most real, the most infinte.

But the things on this earth that are solid? Firm? Tactile? They fade into nothingness as these lives pass. And I don’t want to concern myself with these things, these sinking things, regardless of how solid they feel right now.

https://www.ag23.net/zolpidem-online All that philosophical nonsense to say, I don’t think my writing will be the writing to teach you something, anything. But, if you want to engage the mysteries and complexities of this day-to-day living, trying to discern what is real and what is sinking, and what is loving and what is less, let’s keep talking.

https://medcardnow.com/buy-generic-ambien-canada Am I crazy for craving this? Maybe. But I’ll still be here, writing my crazy heart out.

https://vita.com.bo/purchase-zolpidem-tartrate [Also, if you want to have a conversation about Wendell Berry, or pie baking, or puppies, or Jason Isbell’s music, and how all of these things engage these mysteries and give us hope, I’d like to do that too.]

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  • Tom Allen

    I want to talk about Wendell Berry! I know almost nothing, but I know he has a collection of writings based on his Sunday morning walks. Know what I mean?

    January 25th, 2014 21:53
    • Rebecca Parker Payne

      Tom- i DO know what you mean. I’ve read quite a bit of Berry’s work but unfortunately I haven’t read that one yet. He’s quite prolific, and still writing all the time. It’s hard to keep up, honestly. Start reading and let’s talk!

      January 25th, 2014 23:46
  • Lisa

    https://arkipel.org/cheapest-generic-ambien-online Beautifully expressed, Rebecca.

    I’ve always had a thirsty nature so the “waterfalls” are never too much to wade through in search of delicious drinks.

    Your book is lovely. I just started reading it and hope to try some of the recipes soon.

    Buy Discount Ambien Take care and stay warm,

    Zolpidem Online Reviews Lisa

    January 28th, 2014 16:45

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