This time of year, everyone seems to be pulling out these yearly reviews, which tend to make me feel less than awesome. What did I do? What do my hands have to show from the year? This unquantifiable life is now under investigation.

How To Buy Zolpidem Online I do like to count my days and weeks and months though; I like to count them by the moments of thankfulness I have gathered and held tightly in my grasp over the year. Not so long ago, I started tracking events that happened every day (ie. Mon., Aug. 14: front porch time w/ Linda– feeling known, stealing wisdom, connecting– the life of having a mentor.) After two weeks I was so utterly overwhelmed by the moments of joy, that my aptitude for gratefulness rose to a new level. Tiny specks of connection and contentment hidden within each of my mundane days.

Buy Ambien Online Reviews Last year, my New Year’s resolution was to foster a spirit of gratefulness. I don’t know if I’m quite there in the spirit sense, but I am getting there in at least acknowledging where and when to be grateful. Here are my yearly highlights. I am thankful for… 1. the eve of our engagement party where we passed a jar of ‘shine ’round, then laid languorously on the dock outside, watching the night come alive along the water and in the sky.

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3. feeling that my wardrobe is finally matching my style. Being an adult and holding a steady job has its advantages. 4. hearing my man say, “for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.” Beautiful words, the most sacred of vows.

5. bearing witness to many friends’ vows. Knowing that we will support them and their marriages for years to come.

6. the 8-10 pounds I’ve gained since our wedding. It reminds me I’m happier than I’ve ever been- without anxiety, completely at home.

7. that my wordsmithing has become my passion and my job. (Seriously. What?!) 8. all of the unexpected: the impromptu dinners, the late-nights over a bottle of wine, the springs of inspiration, etc etc. I live for the unanticipated.

Buy Cheap Zolpidem Online 9. making a new family, and making a home to make this tiny family proud.

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