A moment to gush, please.

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Buy Generic Ambien Cr My little sister is gettin’ hitched. That gorgeous mess of a woman found herself a man who loves her to the tops of the mountains and back. And not just any man– a good man with a kind heart.

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The craziest thing about all this is that we know him, this good man. He happens to be the brother(inlaw) to my dearest friend. Erin and I met in college and at first, did not like each other. We were dumb girls, prone to intimidation and jealousy. Or at least, I was. She was beautiful and intelligent and loved hiking. All these things spelled threat to me.  Then one night, outside my sophomore year dorm, we fell into a conversation that lasted hours and felt like minutes. The most reluctant fast friends. She met a man, another good man, and got married herself. We were together in Harrisonburg just over a year ago, and I introduced my sister to her husband. Her husband then introduced my sister to his brother (confused yet?). And my sister, and his (their) brother, have not been apart since. And they won’t be apart from this day forward, soon enough.

It is a testament to humility. To the fact that Erin and I got over ourselves soon enough to make a great friendship. It’s a testament to good people, and to how they find each other and don’t let each other go. It’s a testament to faithfulness, and the fruit that comes from working hard in worthwhile relationships.

Ambien Sleeping Pill Online There’s that old adage about ‘not losing a sister, but gaining a brother.’ I feel like I’m gaining the whole world through this marriage.

