I’ve always seen my life, and the seasons therein, in words.

https://www.ag23.net/brand-name-ambien-online In college it was strife (or some dark variation of the concept). After college, it was intention, in the midst of flailing. Dating Chris was trust, so much trust. And these days, I may be getting ahead of my self in naming it, but it’s feeling like contentment.

https://www.magiciansgallery.com/2024/06/buy-ambien-cr-in-canada Contentment in the way that we are happy, yes. Very very happy. But also contentment in the sense that I am learning to be such. Learning to let go, to quit striving so hard, to see what I’ve got and acknowledge it and let it be good and let that be enough. That’s the contentment I’m shooting for.

https://exitoffroad.com/purchase-zolpidem-tartrate So in this season of giving thanks, in acknowledging that which is good, I’d like to take a moment to do just that.

https://creightondev.com/2024/06/24/purchase-ambien-from-canada 1) Thankful for a home. A small place, with a fireplace and yard that we can call our own. I already know it’s going to call us to be more responsible and more diligent. I’m thankful for that call.

2) Learning how to roast green vegetables. I’m not kidding, are you all doing this? I’m sure we’re losing all the nutritional value of said vegetables, but whoa, roasted broccoli that tastes like french fries? Yes, I’m thankful for this.

https://arkipel.org/buy-real-zolpidem 3) Saying no. I’ve said no to writing opportunities, parties, trips, everything. This is both scary and good. I’m a better person for it.

4) Sisters, always always always sisters. And the men that love them. It slays me.

Buying Ambien Online Overnight 5) The Port William Membership. They are my friends, I don’t care what you say.

https://starbrighttraininginstitute.com/buy-ambien-online-usa 6) A new kitchen for the person who most deserves it (my mother). We also got her dripping water faucet leak fixed.

7) Newness: a new season, a new year, a new opportunity to approach the manger in the quiet, reverent Advent season. Without these rhythms, we stick in our murky places. Definitely grateful for newness.

8) Words that seem to just keep coming. I don’t know how, or from where, but they’re still here.

9) Community that makes you feel completely at home, and yet always challenged to be better. This is the paradox of community that we live in, and this is the paradox I love.

10) A husband who respects me, thinks I’m brilliant and even occasionally funny. A husband whose daily presence in my life reminds me that this whole life thing isn’t about me, but it’s about us and it’s about everyone else, and it’s about this greater presence and purpose. Also, he’s super fun, loves all my friends, fixes my computer, listens to me yammer, and let’s me take a million selfies of us. So yeah, the best.

  • Maggie

    I tell everyone who will listen that they should roast their broccoli! It’s become a weekly staple in my kitchen. (Pro tip, add some crushed garlic to the mix, and it’ll add a boost of flavor.)

    November 19th, 2013 9:03
    • Rebecca Parker Payne

      We eat it all the daggon time. As for the garlic, I don’t know why I haven’t done it sooner…Thanks for the tip!

      November 19th, 2013 9:15
  • Erica Midkiff | Dearingford

    So many of these are on my list as well. Acknowledging what is good is SO essential and I try to do it every day (it’s part of my daily routine to write down three good things that happened that day and three things I’m grateful for). Love that you’re sharing your list!

    December 6th, 2013 17:24
    • Rebecca Parker Payne

      And that is why we’re friends. I love that you do this– I need to start doing it everyday too.

      December 6th, 2013 17:34
      • Erica Midkiff | Dearingford

        It makes so much of a difference when I do it. I actually started it when I was having a hard time–so sometimes it’s hard to do it on the really good days. But honestly, it just makes them a bit sweeter, huh?

        December 8th, 2013 10:35

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