Sometimes I worry that people get the wrong impression. She’s so serious, she’s so depressed, life is so hard. When really, my life is good, and for the most part, my days are pretty happy. I have always been one to acknowledge the hard and the good, sometimes within the same breath. I am no less aware of the joys of life, than I am the struggle of myself or my loved ones. I feel everything, all right now, for myself and my husband and my sisters and my parents and my friends. Shauna Niequist (again with Shauna!) wrote an entire book about this feeling of Bittersweet. Feeling it all, and feeling it all at the same time. You don’t exit a good period and enter a bad. You take both and you still respond in gratitude.

photo 2 And I have so much to be thankful for. A sweet husband who just made my coffee, a sister who lives across the street, a sister who lives a few miles away, and another one who is about to be married to her love. Books that keep me sharp and connected, writing that keeps me satisfied. Wine and food and the sharing around a table I will do today and on Thursday and again this weekend. We have music and concerts that lift us, and I have a small group of women who love me so well. I have parents who are welcoming and kind, and I even have a new pair of boots that honestly, make me smile very wide. 

Buy Zolpidem Online From Canada What do I have to fear?  I woke this morning rested, with a washing of joy over me. It is only significant because I went to sleep stressed, anxious, worried. His joy comes with the morning, with the newness of only a day, we begin again.

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I am thankful, I am thankful, I am thankful.

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