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The Both/And of Advent Let my soul rise up to meet you, as the day rises to meet the sun... I’ve done a lot soul-searching over the past year, and a whole lot of dealing with all my— let’s call it— complexity. And one particular aspect of this complexity, is that I feel a lot of emotions. Like, lots and lots of feelings. However, it is hard for me to process them, and it’s... 1 1
Life, In Exponents

Buy Ambien Canada Last month, I played matron of honor at my youngest sister's wedding. I cried, I laughed, I toasted and danced. Then, within 6 days of that, I said goodbye to my grandmother. I kissed her hands, and wrote an obituary. What I want out of life is for it to come in ones. One event, one emotion, one holistic experience. But that doesn't happen. Life comes in exponents instead-- joy, sadness,... 2 4
nothing to do with it

Chris and I went on an enneagram retreat recently. It was two full days of white-knuckled self-awareness. Two full days of I'd rather pull the covers over my face and hide forever.  But after two days of total and complete denial, we relented because it's far easier to just be at truth with your self, than to try to keep writing your own perfect narrative of your own very less-than-perfect self....

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becoming simple

Zolpidem Cheap Online I recently stumbled on my old journal. From freshmen year of college. Oh boy, what a gem. And by gem, I mean myself. At age 18. Good god. Bless whoever loved me then, and bless the fact that I'm no longer that person. In the pages, I found so many questions, and so many challenges. So many, "I dont know who I am's". So many, "When will people understand me?"...

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Walking Suitcases What to say folks. The past few weeks have been somethin' else. I decorated a barn for an old fashioned barn wedding, I stood next to my sister as she vowed her life to her boy, I spent time with friends new and old and I held their babies, I drank moonshine from a jug (the proper way, ahem), and I stomped my boots till I got blisters on my... 9 0